Shedding Light on Front Door Glass Styles

Shedding Light on Front Door Glass Styles

If you are thinking about installing a new front door, consider the benefits and style adding glass might bring to your new entryway. Here’s a guide of things to consider when deciding on the right type of front door glass for your new door replacement.

The front doorway gives the first impression of your home to guests and onlookers, so you want it to match your style. A glass accent on your front door adds a factor of sophistication and style to your home. There is also the added benefit of sunlight streaming into your home, without the effect of outdoor weather.

What to Consider when Adding Glass to Front Doors:

  • Privacy- Is your home look out onto a busy street or is it set back on a private lot. Determine how comfortable you are with having your home’s interior exposed.
  • Security- Glass enables great views and light inside the home but can also allow potential security concerns. Consider opting for double-paned glass or transom windows or sidelites to allow light in but limit exposure.

Types of Front Door Glass:

It can be hard to know where to start with choosing a new style for your door and knowing which type of glass to choose from the large variety available, so we’ve broken down a few of the options for you.

Barcelona Glass features an iron bar design embedded within the glass panel in an elegant pattern. With a contrast of straight lines, curves and circles, this eye-catching design can be paired with obscure glass for added privacy.

Beveled Glass is a type of decorative glass that has a grid pattern. The panels of glass are shaved so that it is thinner towards the edges, creating a prism effect with the sunlight pouring in. This is one of the most common styles used for front doors, and it is embedded in many other styles of glass panels as well.

Laurence Glass is another style of decorative glass that gives your door a vintage feel to it. With a rectangular pattern featuring different strips of privacy glass with beveled glass, this style gives the perfect blend openness and obscurity.

Twilight Glass gives the option of more privacy if that is what you’re looking for. The clean, frosted layer of glass can be designed in almost any pattern, giving it a personalized look. The more frostiness, the more privacy.

Your door should be customized to fit your preferences because it is one of the most important features of your house! If you’re considering redoing your front entryway and don’t know where to start, Thompson Creek can help! Get a free estimate for your door project on our website where you can find even more ways to customize your front door.