Jakarta, Indonesia

Blackletter: Gothic & Fraktur

Blackletter: Gothic & Fraktur

Time & Place

Letter D
Jl. Ahmad Dahlan No. 16
Jakarta, Indonesia



Gothic: For hundreds of years, Gothic had shaped the culture of Europe, from letter to art and architecture. Its spectacular design makes unbelievable attraction till nowadays. In this class we will learn how to write lowercases and uppercases of Gothic, its use in design thinking and concept of lettering. Gothic is easy to write but hard to write beautifully.

Fraktur: We will begin with both historical and contemporary interpretations of early Gothic Textura styles, and principles of consistency, and compare it with early Gothic to see the difference. Then onto variation and refinements, detail and playfulness as the style moves closer to more intricate later Fraktur, including lowercase and capitals - and with the capitals, crazy variations abound! We will work with different materials to create Fraktur, which is useful to designers' creativity.

This class is suitable for beginners and intermediate

*Inclusive of all the calligraphy kit and lunch
*Full payment must be received before your slot is confirmed