Pigs on Parade

The Seattle Pike Place market foundation rounded up 200 fiberglass pigs which were painted by local artists and then paraded down the streets of Seattle. At summers end the pigs were auctioned to raise money for the Pike Market Foundation.

Evan’s “Pioneer Pig” was purchased by Seattle’s sister city and sent to Tashkent Russia. Evan’s “Souvenir of Seattle” Pig brought over $10,000.00 , (see attachment). Evan painted his swiney beauty in a historical theme depicting people and places at turn of the century life in Pioneer Square. Notable figures include Chief Seattle and his daughter Princess Angeline, Henry Yesler and Doc Maynard as well as the Purgula, Smith Tower, The Great Seattle Fire and much more.


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Click the image to read the letter from the Pike Place Market Foundation (Seattle, WA).
Pigs on Parade Letter_cropped

Currently, Evan Jones is working on horse portraiture, new murals and fine art.