A part of the "return to religion" now evident in European philosophy, this book represents the culmination of the career of a leading phenomenologist who investigates the multiple kinds of truth associated with Christianity.
Leviathan is an argument for obedience to authority grounded in an analysis of human nature and arguably the greatest piece of political philosophy written in the English language.
This revised edition contains more resources and updated information throughout. "This book is a must for everyone concerned about defending the Christian faith.
This comparative religion book contains a startling perspective of the extraordinary history of the Egyptian religion and its profound influence upon the later Christian faith.
In his quest to identify practices that strengthen the faith of African Christians, Magesa examines the nature of being church today in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.
This profound book will help you gain a better understanding of how God wired your brain and how spiritual practices can help you, not only improve your relationships with God and other people, but also deal with issues such as anxiety, ...