inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
In business, teamwork is replacing individual work, and hierarchies are giving way to networks. This book spells out the need and virtues of teams and teamwork.
inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
Now workplaces must manage the changing demographics with a professional approach. This book describes the workforce divers
inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
Moving from a bureaucratic set-up to a team-based work system is the order of the day.
inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
In Western Europe and USA, a vast number of people are telecommuters, and these numbers will rise to 100 million by 2008.
inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
Team management is perhaps the most challenging aspect of teamwork it binds the team to its goals and to each other.
inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
Can it then be seen as a field of academic study? This book seeks to put forward some theoretical issues in the context of diverse groups with different priorities, social responsibility, societal
inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
Current day organizations are becoming more global in nature.
inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
Corporate Social Responsibility is more than just image building. This book seeks to explore some concepts of CSR, its scope and practices, how it differs from business ethics, what is socially responsible investment, etc.
inauthor:"Sumati Reddy" from
This means that we are an aging population and this has deep implications on our availability of labour. This book demonstrates how retired people can be used to avoid a ta