USD to CAD currency chart. XE's free live currency conversion chart for US Dollar to Canadian Dollar allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 ...
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During the past week, the exchange rate of US dollar to Canadian dollars has fluctuated between a high of 1.376 on 10-10-2024 and a low of 1.355 on 04-10-2024.
Daily exchange rates: Lookup tool. Search and download exchange rate data.
USD to CAD historical exchange rate | OFX (US) › ... › US dollar historical exchange rate
USD to CAD historical rates ; June 30, 2024, 1.370962 ; July 31, 2024, 1.371458 ; August 31, 2024, 1.366622 ; September 30, 2024, 1.354784.
USD to CAD | historical currency prices including date ranges, indicators, symbol comparison, frequency and display options for Canadian Dollar.
USD/CAD (CAD=X) ; Dec 21, 2023, 1.3358, 1.3359 ; Dec 20, 2023, 1.3334, 1.3353 ; Dec 19, 2023, 1.3398, 1.3400 ; Dec 18, 2023, 1.3382, 1.3409 ...
Get free historical data for the USD CAD (US Dollar Canadian Dollar) currency pair, viewable in daily, weekly or monthly time intervals.
US Dollar to Canadian Dollar Exchange Rate is at a current level of 1.375, up from 1.368 the previous market day and up from 1.361 one year ago.
View, download data or use our lookup tool for our daily exchange rates. For exchange rates data prior to 2017, view our historical noon and closing rates.