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Ferric chloride can take a very long time and produce bad results if it's too cold. Also, it helps to keep the solution moving.
Oct 17, 2022 · I tried a ferric chloride etch, but after giving it a fair soak, I can only see a very small pattern emerging on the tip and in one section of ...
I used 2 parts 6% Hydrogen Peroxide and 1 part 320g/l Hydrochloric Acid. The mix instantly went a dark orange/red colour but the solution shown here is clear ...
Apr 14, 2013 · Ferric chloride apparently doesn't work if it is too concentrated. I would follow the recommended dilution. No need to dilute it with warm ...
Jul 21, 2017 · Ferric chloride does not need to be heated! It should normally etch 1oz copper layers in less than half an hour, but it is a messy business.
It is best etched in one pass. If you etch stainless and then rinse with water and etch again the surface will pit and get worse with each rinse.
Make sure the etchant is in a heatproof container, I use a 3.5 gallon bucket inside of a 5 gallon bucket in case the bottom drops out. This causes a pretty ...
Nov 7, 2013 · No Ferric Chloride? No problem: Home-made etchant to the rescue! · Equal parts vinegar and peroxide · A small heap of salt · Your masked copper ...