Project MK-ULTRA, MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of ...
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The CIA tried to fight communism by dosing unwitting soldiers and prisoners with acid.
Missing: statements alleging
Aug 3, 1977 · SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE. (Established by S. Res. 400, 94th Cong., 2d sess.) DANIEL K. INOUYE, Hawaii, Chairman.
Apr 24, 2024 · MK Ultra ended in the 1970's. Please also make programs of the new mind control programs using "non-intrusive" modern technology and AI. The ...
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Nothing in the article should be con- strued as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual statements and interpretations. Authors, or their ...
Sep 9, 2019 · Journalist Stephen Kinzer reveals how CIA chemist Sidney Gottlieb worked in the 1950s and early '60s to develop mind control drugs and ...
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Project MKUltra was a human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to develop procedures and identify ...
A series of expose articles in the San Jose Mercury-News by reporter Gary Webb told tales of a drug triangle during the 1980s that linked CIA officials in ...
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MK-ULTRA consisted of more than. 130 research programs which took place in prisons, hospitals and universities all over the United States. Tonight we'll look at.
Missing: statements alleging
Jun 20, 2024 · Conspiracy theories pushed by Robert Kennedy Jr. claiming that major U.S. media outlets are controlled by the CIA are "classic techniques of ...
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