- a contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport."a boxing match"synonyms: contest, competition, game, tournament, tie, cup tie, event, fixture, trial, test, test match, meet, bout, fight, duel, quarterfinal, semifinal, final, Cup Final, friendly, derby, local derby, playoff, replay, rematch, clash, playdown, split, mill, tourney
- a person or thing able to contend with another as an equal in quality or strength."they were no match for the trained mercenaries"synonyms: equal, rival, equivalent, peer, counterpart, compeer
- a person or thing that resembles or corresponds to another."the child's identical twin would be a perfect match for organ donation"synonyms: replica, copy, lookalike, double, twin, duplicate, equivalent, facsimile, like, mate, fellow, companion, counterpart, pair, complement, spitting image, spit and image, spit, dead spit, ringer, dead ringer
- a person viewed in regard to their eligibility for marriage, especially as regards class or wealth."he was an unsuitable match for any of their girls"synonyms: prospective husband/wife, prospect, candidate, catch
- correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect; make or be harmonious."the jacket and pants do not match"synonyms: go with, coordinate with, complement, harmonize with, blend with, tone with, team with, be the same as, be similar to, suit, be a pair, be a set, be the same, go together, correspond, be in agreement, tally, agree, match up, coincide, accord, conform, square, harmonize, be consonant, be compatible, corresponding, equivalent, parallel, analogous, coordinating, complementing, complementary, harmonizing, blending, toning, harmonious, the same, paired, twin, coupled, double, duplicate, identical, (all) of a piece, like, like (two) peas in a pod, alike, comparable, similar, correlative, congruent, tallying, agreeing, concordant, consonant
- be equal to (something) in quality or strength."his anger matched her own"synonyms: equal, be equal to, be the equal of, be a match for, measure up to, compare with, parallel, be in the same league as, be in the same category as, be on a par with, touch, keep pace with, keep up with, emulate, rival, vie with, compete with, contend with, hold a candle to
- place (a person or group) in contest or competition with another."the big names were matched against nobodies"synonyms: draw against, set against, pit against, play off against
People also ask
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1. a : a person or thing that is equal or similar to or exactly like another b : one that can compete or fight successfully with another a match for the enemy.
A match is a competition or game, like a soccer match. Another type of match places people together instead of opposing one another.
Aug 28, 2024 · a sports competition or event in which two people or teams compete against each other: a tennis match, a football/cricket match.
a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect. Synonyms: replica, facsimile, duplicate, copy, clone, carbon copy, twin, spit and image, ...
match in American English 2 · 1. a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect · 2. a person or thing able to cope with another as an equal.
MATCH meaning: 1 : someone or something that is equal to or as good as another person or thing; 2 : two people or things that are suited to each other.
[countable] (especially British English) a sports event where people or teams compete against each other. (British English) a football match. (North American ...
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especially British English an organized sports event between two teams or people It's our last match of the season.
6 days ago · The meaning of MATCHING is going together well : suitably paired or used together. How to use matching in a sentence.
Match Definition · To be like (another) or be a counterpart to. · To be equal, similar, suitable, or corresponding in some way. · To meet as an antagonist. · To ...