- of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose."the meat is fit for human consumption"synonyms: suitable, good enough, relevant, pertinent, apt, appropriate, suited, apposite, apropos, -worthy, fitting, befitting, proper, due, seemly, decorous, decent, right, correct, comme il faut, meet
- in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise."the measures would ensure a leaner, fitter company"synonyms: healthy, well, in good health, in good shape, in shape, in good trim, in trim, in good condition, in tip-top condition, in fine fettle, fighting fit, as fit as a fiddle, as fit as a flea, as strong as an ox, strong, robust, hale and hearty, sturdy, hardy, stalwart, lusty, vigorous, sound, athletic, muscular, strapping, tough, powerful, rugged, right as rain, husky, ripped, shredded, buff
- be of the right shape and size for."those jeans still fit me"synonyms: be big/small enough (for), be the right shape (for), fit like a glove
- fix or put (something) into place."they fitted smoke alarms to their home"synonyms: lay, put in place/position, position, place, fix, insert, arrange, adjust, shape
- be in agreement or harmony with; match.
the particular way in which something, especially a garment or component, fits around or into something.
"the dress was a perfect fit"
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1. a : acceptable from a particular viewpoint (as of competence or morality) : proper a movie fit for the whole family b (1) : adapted to an end or design : ...
The word fit can mean "matching the shape of something" or "being a good match," like two people who meet online and turn out to be a good fit for one another.
1. a : proper or acceptable : morally or socially correct — often + for a movie fit [=suitable] for the whole family This is not a fit subject for discussion ...
'Fit' is shorthand for 'outfit'. You might see people do a 'fit check' on social media, meaning they post a picture or video of their current outfit.
to be the right size or shape for someone or something: That jacket fits you perfectly. fit through Our new couch doesn't fit through the door.
to be of the right size or shape for: The dress fitted her perfectly. to adjust or make conform: She had the jeweler fit the ring to her finger.
fit in American English 1 · 1. to be suitable or adapted to; be in accord with. let the punishment fit the crime · 2. to be the proper size, shape, etc. for · 3 ...
1. a. To be the proper size and shape for: These shoes fit me. b. To cause to be the proper size and shape: The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them.
7 days ago · FIT meaning: 1. to be the right shape or size for someone or something: 2. If people or things fit somewhere…. Learn more.
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1. an action or act of one that fits specifically : a trying on of clothes which are in the process of being made or altered 2. something used in fitting up : ...