
Learn to pronounce fit

  1. of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose.
    "the meat is fit for human consumption"
    synonyms: suitable, good enough, relevant, pertinent, apt, appropriate, suited, apposite, apropos, -worthy, fitting, befitting, proper, due, seemly, decorous, decent, right, correct, comme il faut, meet
  2. in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise.
    "the measures would ensure a leaner, fitter company"
    synonyms: healthy, well, in good health, in good shape, in shape, in good trim, in trim, in good condition, in tip-top condition, in fine fettle, fighting fit, as fit as a fiddle, as fit as a flea, as strong as an ox, strong, robust, hale and hearty, sturdy, hardy, stalwart, lusty, vigorous, sound, athletic, muscular, strapping, tough, powerful, rugged, right as rain, husky, ripped, shredded, buff

  1. be of the right shape and size for.
    "those jeans still fit me"
    synonyms: be big/small enough (for), be the right shape (for), fit like a glove
  2. fix or put (something) into place.
    "they fitted smoke alarms to their home"
    synonyms: lay, put in place/position, position, place, fix, insert, arrange, adjust, shape
  3. be in agreement or harmony with; match.

the particular way in which something, especially a garment or component, fits around or into something.
"the dress was a perfect fit"

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1. a : acceptable from a particular viewpoint (as of competence or morality) : proper a movie fit for the whole family b (1) : adapted to an end or design : ...
The word fit can mean "matching the shape of something" or "being a good match," like two people who meet online and turn out to be a good fit for one another.
1. a : proper or acceptable : morally or socially correct — often + for a movie fit [=suitable] for the whole family This is not a fit subject for discussion ...
'Fit' is shorthand for 'outfit'. You might see people do a 'fit check' on social media, meaning they post a picture or video of their current outfit.
to be the right size or shape for someone or something: That jacket fits you perfectly. fit through Our new couch doesn't fit through the door.
to be of the right size or shape for: The dress fitted her perfectly. to adjust or make conform: She had the jeweler fit the ring to her finger.
fit in American English 1 · 1. to be suitable or adapted to; be in accord with. let the punishment fit the crime · 2. to be the proper size, shape, etc. for · 3 ...
1. a. To be the proper size and shape for: These shoes fit me. b. To cause to be the proper size and shape: The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them.
7 days ago · FIT meaning: 1. to be the right shape or size for someone or something: 2. If people or things fit somewhere…. Learn more.
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1. an action or act of one that fits specifically : a trying on of clothes which are in the process of being made or altered 2. something used in fitting up : ...