In the seventh installment of the popular Dead Is series, Jessica and the other viragos must find who is responsible for the haunting music that is compelling Nightshade residents to commit crimes.
Cartea Serbărilor Şcolare : 70 de poezii şi 15 scenete pentru serbările şcolare la clasele I–VIII de Vasile Poenaru se adresează elevilor din clasele I–VIII, precum şi cadrelor didactice care predau la aceste clase.
The works of William Shakespeare come alive in these stunning graphic novels adaptation using the original Shakespearean dialog. The world-class art, history, and revenge of Henry VIII will capture the attention of reluctant readers.
Gilmore Girls meets A Snicker of Magic in this sweet debut novel about twelve-year-old Rosie Flynn, whose film-making skills may be the answer to uncovering the miracles of her town and bringing her father home.
As the new lead singer of the band Melbourne, Chelsea has only the summer tour to make the band--and their fans--love her, or it is back to boring high school.