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subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
古代西南邊疆包括今雲、桂、黔諸省和川西南,以及曾隸屬中原王朝的中南半島北部地方。漢、晉、南朝、隋、唐、宋、元、明、清諸朝,對西南邊疆有過不同程度的經營,南越、蜀 ...
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
In this book, historian Malyn Newitt quotes rarely used Portuguese sources that throw vivid light on the culture of the river peoples and their relations with the Portuguese creole society of the prazos.
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
This book, with accompanying DVD, presents a new digital version of the map, and explains how this can be interrogated to produce a wealth of new historical information.
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
Sergio Del Molino hat die Geschichte dieses »leeren Spaniens« geschrieben: Er geht den Ursachen nach, wie der brutalen Industrialisierung unter Franco, und ebenso den Versuchen, die Landflucht aufzuhalten.
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
This interdisciplinary 1984 volume extends the debate about the purpose and practice of historical geography.
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
Part natural history, part folklore, part exploration of art and aesthetics, part memoir, Nest is a beautiful book that will appeal to bird lovers, readers of literature and art lovers alike.
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
Published in 1819, this is John Ross's controversial account of his 1818 Arctic voyage in search of the North-West Passage.
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
Ian Wood explores how Western Europeans have looked back to the Middle Ages to discover their origins and the origins of their society.
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
On Sympathetic Grounds lays out sympathy's vital place in shaping North America.
subject:"History / Historical Geography" from
Son al menos cinco clases de territorios extraños que trata Olivier Marchon en este peculiar libro sobre la geografía humana: los enclavados, los simbólicos, los que se encuentran en disputa, los especiales y los utópicos.