Dieses Open-Access-Buch bündelt technische, wirtschaftliche, medizinische und ethische Reflexionen über Pflegeroboter. Pflegeroboter, im Moment noch mehrheitlich Prototypen, unterstützen oder ersetzen menschliche Pflegekräfte bzw.
This volume presents contributions from various angles: international relations, governance and metagovernance theory, (environmental) economics and innovation science.
This Open Access book, Responsible innovation provides benefits for society, for instance more sustainable products, more engagement with consumers and less anxiety about emerging technologies.
This open access book applies proactive crisis management to the management of technology organizations to make them more sustainable and socially responsible for the betterment of humankind.
"The task of defining an ethical framework requires far-reaching self-examination, and a commitment to community building which emphasises reason, tolerance and compromise." - cover.
Consisting of seven factors, this framework can be the basis for restarting any business model. The final section outlines a research agenda for sustainable business informed by the perspectives and frameworks put forward in this book.
Reviews labor-management relations and dispute settlement policies regarding construction of nuclear power plants. Focuses on the Oak Ridge plant, Tenn.