But how can you use it effectively? Social media expert Jodie Cook breaks it down into 125 bite-sized rules, making Instagram an easy and efficient method for expanding your venture.
According to bestselling author Ryan Holiday, growth hackers have thrown out the old playbook and replaced it with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable.
Instagram moves at a faster pace in comparison to the other social sites, and the brands seem to have problems in marketing using a visual medium and creating cost effective ways to procure good imagery, at this pace.
This treasure-trove of marketing tactics will help readers weather the toughest times with exercises to help them focus their energy on the areas of business they must change.
Addressing technological, organizational, and legal perspectives in a very comprehensive way, this text aims to disseminate current developments, case studies, new integrated approaches, and practical solutions and applications for SMEs.
Bitcoin and Digital Currency for Beginners: The Basic Little Guide This book will provide you with an insight into what Bitcoins are and where they came from.