A comparative analysis of national land resource potential is included. A link is made between the land resource limitations and the population affected.
Agricultural operations can contribute to water quality deterioration through the release of several materials into water: sediments, pesticides, animal manures, fertilizers and other sources of inorganic and organic matter.
General introduction; Empirical models for crop-weed competition; Eco-physiological models for crop-weed competition; Mechanisms of competition for light; Mechanisms of competition for water; Mechanisms of competition for nitrogen; Eco ...
En las ltimas dos d(r)cadas el enfoque agroecolgico se ha ido difundiendo en Am(r)rica Latina, captando progresivamente la atencin de varios sectores, desde los imbitos mis acad(r)micos pasando por varias instituciones pblicas y privadas, y ...
This publication is structured on the main themes of the consultation: the importance of plant nutrition for meeting agricultural product requirements; soil organic matter, biomass, soil microflora and management of integrated plant ...
Daarom is het nodig wat afstand te nemen en ernstig na te denken over de grote problemen of belangen van de samenleving. Landbouwsystemen & Maatschappelijke uitdagingen is het eerste deel van het verzameld werk Klavertjevier.
Popularisé en 2010 par Olivier de Schutter, alors rapporteur des Nations unies pour le droit à l’alimentation, le terme d’agroécologie a d’abord été utilisé pour désigner un modèle alternatif susceptible de répondre aux ...