In NLG we focus on quantitative evaluation, but qualitative techniques can also be used. Quantatitive hypothesis testing is essential, but its also really ...
Professor of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen - Cited by 16580 - natural language generation - computational linguistics - data-to-text ...
I have taught computing science and done research in Natural Language Generation at Aberdeen since 1995. I expect to retire in 2026 or 2027.
Im giving a seminar next week on "Using Natural Language Generation (NLG) to Support Patients" at @csmcr . This is a topic which is close to my heart, looking forward to discussing with others.
Twitter • 6 days ago
New blog: Qualitative evaluation…
Twitter • 9 days ago
Spotted my new book as pre-release on Amazon, which was exciting (…). Ill say more about it when its published, but the preface explains goals of the book…
Twitter • 12 days ago
Discussed evaluation with people from media company. As usual, highlighted importance of quality criteria (dont focus on eval on readability if users care more about accuracy) and validation (check that metrics agree with high-qual human eval).
Twitter • 14 days ago
New blog: How AI can help reform UK NHS… The UK government wants to reform the UK health system by digitisation, shifting care to communities, and focusing on prevention. I think there is a lot of potential for AI to help with this...
Twitter • 23 days ago
Ehud Reiter is a Professor of Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen and had been Chief Scientist of Arria NLG (which he cofounded). In both roles he works on Natural Language Generation. ... Google Books
Affiliation: University of Aberdeen
Research interests: Natural Language Generation, Computational Linguistics, Data-To-Text, and more
I am an academic who specialises in natural-language generation and data-to-text systems, that is software which automatically generates texts in English.
There are times a natural language generation (NLG) narrative requires editing before release. By Ehud Reiter | April 22, 2022.
Ehud Reiter received the A.B. degree in mathematics and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Harvard University, in 1982 and 1990, respectively. He is ...
Oct 7, 2024 · List of computer science publications by Ehud Reiter.