Oct 17, 2014 · Douglas Channel LNG Project. Available at: Accessed: January 2014. Eickhoff ...
May 21, 2013 · Building a state-of-the-art LNG export facility to liquefy the gas and transfer it to ships for transport to market.
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Cedar is proposing to develop the Cedar LNG Project (the Project), in Kitimat, British Columbia, as described in the Project Description at this Link to the ...
Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations – Under the CSA, 2001, rules that impose standards to reduce oil pollution, sewage pollution, garbage.
What all residents should know about the production and maritime export of natural gas in British Columbia. About the Citizen's Guide to LNG project.
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This report will review the regional composition of. Canada's energy trade, from oil and gas exports from Alberta and Saskatchewan and refined products from ...
The details of the current projects that are being proposed in Canada and the US are discussed below, with some of the key regulatory and operational issues ...
Sep 30, 2015 · 4 Enbridge, Line 3 Replacement Project Description (July 2014), p. ... . 118 Aboriginal Project Benefits, available online at: http://www.
Currently, most of the proposed liquefaction projects in Western Canada are undergoing a detailed study of construction costs to check the feasibility of the ...