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"Imperial Standard" is the first full-scale history of Imperial Oil. It illuminates Imperial's longstanding connections to Standard Oil of New Jersey, also known as Exxon Mobil.
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With a student-oriented pedagogy designed to enhance comprehension, promote engagement, and build real-world understanding, this user-friendly book provides an essential foundation in current advanced accounting methods and standards.
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The story would make interesting reading, but the author has put it aside and only shown the details of his investigations of the foetal circulation in his little book.
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First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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This book aims to cover the following general topics: development and assessment of theories for evaluating commodity risk; the role of derivative securities in managing commodity risk; and, an assessment of the actual management of ...
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First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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The Review provides a comprehensive analysis of the United Nations Economic Commission's for Europe (UNECE) region, including the Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe and North Africa.
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This title describes the history and current capabilities of Ethiopia's leading industrial companies, focusing on 50 key large and mid-size firms.