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This report from the Committee on Military Nutrition Research reviews the history of caffeine usage, the metabolism of caffeine, and its physiological effects.
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The activities of the Food and Nutrition Board's Committee on Military Nutrition Research (CMNR, the committee) have been supported since 1994 by grant DAMD17-94-J-4046 from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC).
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This impressive book shows the process of constructing a boat hull with extensive photographs and drawings and includes ample time-saving procedures.
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The Capable Cruiser is a logical extension of the Pardeys’ The Self-Sufficient Sailor, with more emphasis on seamanship underway, including careful analysis of extreme anchoring situations and solutions for mitigating them.
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How could we have put so much money into something we might never be able to sell, except to a greater fool?
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This is the first of a four-book series which begins on the journey that Lin and Larry Pardey began 34 years ago in their self-built 24-foot engineless cutter, Seraffyn.
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"Tranquility is sure to be a Pacific Northwest classic and required reading for anyone with a love of adventure, romance and the unknown.
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In I Love Crab Cakes!, award-winning chef and cookbook author Tom Douglas brings the best of East, West, and Gulf coasts to the table and proves that the most delicious crab cakes of all come straight from your home kitchen.
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This book aims to generate database, based on micro level study, carried out by the authors in six villages of Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu.