SKABC is a Vancouver-based club of kayakers who love exploring the coast by kayak. We offer our members training covering beginner to advanced levels, trips ...
To participate in a trip, you must be a member of SKABC. Not a member yet? Check out what SKABC offers. To see full details about a trip, you must login.
The Sea Kayak Guides Alliance of BC is a non-profit society which upholds high standards for professional sea kayak guides and operators in BC.
Rating (6)
The Sea Kayak Association of BC is a club of kayakers in the Vancouver, BC area. This page has been set up as a place for members to interact individually.
The Sea Kayakers Association of BC (SKABC) is a club of independent kayakers who love the adventure of exploring our coastline by kayak.
PIKA is a sea kayak club based in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. We are dedicated to exploring local lakes, rivers and ocean on BC's west coast by ...
SKABC is a club of independent kayakers who love the adventure of exploring our coastline by kayak. Our website is at
SISKA is a non-profit organization dedicated to sea kayaking on Vancouver Island, particularly in the Greater Victoria area.
$1,640 to $4,230
British Columbia Sea Kayaking and Whale Watching Tours. Kayak with orcas in the BEST spot on the planet: Johnstone Strait in British Columbia.
Join a paddling club. Kayak and canoe training. Kayak tours. Paddling lessons. BC coast. SUP. Kayak lessons.