... KOKSILAH Rd IR zouhalem Rd COW CHAN MISSION Vancouver Island IR Trout Hatchery G IR Bright Angel Park A WILSON BENCH HILLBANK Cr BAY Art Mann Park TZOUHALEM KINGSVIEW R G Mount Tzouhalem Traile Mount Tzoúhalem- Eco Reserve Mt Tzouhalem ...
... Koksilah, Vancouver Island, where he worked on a poultry farm and played cricket locally. A Canadian census-taker found him in 1911 at 1032 Fulton Street, Victoria, with his wife, Maud Florence M. Slater (born in June 1886), a sister of ...
... ( Koksilah , Vancouver Island , B.C. ) , b . 13 April , 1878 ; m . 25 Feb. 1909 , Florence Margaret , 2nd dau . of the ... Vancouver Island , B.C. ) , b . 19 Sept. 1892 . ( 3 ) Algernon Charles Winstanley ( Duncan , B.C. ) , b . 3 ...
... Island . KENFALLS See Tofino . KENNEDY a station on the B. C. E. Ry ... Vancouver Island , 19 miles east of Clayoquot . It has an outlet into Tofino ... Koksilah River , 1 mile south of Koksilah , Vancouver Island . Kemano River ...
... Koksilah , run down from the mountainous backbone of Vancouver Island into Cowichan Bay . On the alluvial land between the two streams George Corfield had established the biggest farm in the district and had diked the watery meadows to ...
... Island Mineral Exhibit - Crofton Smelter - Activity at Nanaimo— West Coast Notes - General . Thomas & Pegram Molsons Bank Building , Seymour St. VANCOUVER. ISLAND ... Koksilah River , James Mearns and John McDonald . King Solomon ...
... B.C. ) , 6. 28 July , 1876 . 6. Villiers Holt ( Koksilah , Vancouver Island , B.C. ) , b . 13 April , 1878 ; 11. 25 Feb. 1909 , Florence Margaret , 2nd dau . of the Rev. J. G. Baskett , Rector of Donhead , Wilts , and has issue , George ...
... Vancouver Island - Beaufort Range : Mount Arrow- smith ; Cowichan Lake . Queen Charlotte Islands . H. unalaschensis ( Spreng . ) Wats . ( Alaska Orchis . ) Generally distributed , Queen Charlotte Islands ; Vancouver Island . H ...
... Koksilah River Falls , Vancouver Island . Photo . George Henry Larrigan , Victoria . 12144. Koksilah River Falls , Vancouver Island , North Fall . Photo . George Henry Larrigan , Victoria . 12145. Koksilah River Falls , Vancouver Island ...