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Map for 49°26'45.00"N 118° 4'21.00"W
Tower 49°26'45.00"N 118° 4'21.00"W. The proposed use of this tower is to expand High Speed Internet Service to the Renata rural residential homes and ...
Aug 6, 2019 · ... 26'45.00''N, 15°29'55.00''E, ± 200m nadmořská výška: 360 m fytochorion: 57a. Bělohradsko datum: 1964-09-28 nálezce: J. Gregor pramen ...
souřadnice: 49°28'13.00''N, 17°26'45.00''E fytochorion: 21a. Hanácká ... souřadnice: 49°4'21.00''N, 17°7'7.00''E fytochorion: 20b. Hustopečská ...
Attribute distinguished. Symbol Attribute state. None. P all records. Time. P recent occurrence (at least one record since 2000).
La Presse est un grand quotidien montréalais publié depuis 1884. L'influence des journalistes de La Presse s'étend aujourd'hui au-delà du lectorat du ...
... 49°26'45.00''N, 12°41'60.00''E nadmořská výška: 510 m fytochorion: 26. Český les datum: 1992-05-30 nálezce: T. Kučera pramen: Kučera T., Jirásek J. et ...
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