I Can't Tell You Why Lyrics [Verse 1] Look at us baby, up all night Tearing our love apart Aren't we the same two people who live Through years in the dark?
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I Can't Tell You Why Lyrics [Verse 1] Look at us baby, up all night Tearing our love apart Aren't we the same two people who live Through years in the dark?
I Can't Tell You Why Lyrics [Verse 1] Look at us baby, up all night Tearing our love apart Aren't we the same two people who live Through years in the dark?
I Can't Tell You Why Lyrics: Look at us baby, up all night Tearin' our love apart Aren't we the same two people Who live through years in the dark?
I know we have problems but I still can't walk away and all I want you to do is tell me why 'cause I can't live without you.
I Can't Tell You Why Lyrics [Verse 1] Look at us baby, up all night Tearing our love apart Aren't we the same two people who live Through years in the dark?
People fall apart, I can't tell you why. People make mistakes. Comes as no surprise. People break your heart. Can't look you in the eye
I Can't Tell You Why Lyrics: Look at us baby up all night Tearing our love apart Aren't we the same two people who live Through years in the dark?
I can't tell you why if it's my heart that I'm feeling. And I can't tell you why is it just fear that I'm losing you?
I Can't Tell You Why Lyrics: Look at us baby Up all night Tearin' our love apart Aren't we the same two people Who lived through years in the dark.
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