They are the only members of the genus Bradypus (meaning "slow-footed") and the family Bradypodidae. The five living species of three-toed sloths are the ...
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This family includes 3 Recent species in one genus, Bradypus. It is distributed through Central and South America, south to southern Brazil.

Three-toed sloth

The three-toed or three-fingered sloths are arboreal neotropical mammals. They are the only members of the genus Bradypus and the family Bradypodidae. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Bradypus
Mph: 0.15 mph
Class: Mammalia
Domain: Eukaryota
Family: Bradypodidae; Gray, 1821
Genus: Bradypus; Linnaeus, 1758

The three-toed sloths are tree-living mammals from South and Central America. They are the only members of the genus Bradypus and the family Bradypodidae.
Three-toed sloths have long arms and legs; their arms are longer than their legs. They have three toes on their front paws and five toes on their rear paws.
The list of species of Bradypodidae family. The three-toed sloths are arboreal neotropical mammals (also known as "three-fingered" sloths).
A high-canopy folivore, B. variegatus is distributed over southern Central America and northern and central South America and is listed as Least Concern by the ...
Bradypodidaethree-toed sloths · Mammalia: information (1) · Mammalia: pictures (4389) · Mammalia: specimens (6622) · Mammalia: sounds (13).
Bradypodidae (Three Toed Sloths) is a family of mammals. ... Definition: Self-propelled movement of a cell or organism from one location to another. Attribution: ...
The meaning of BRADYPODIDAE is a family of edentates comprising the true sloths.
Scientific Name. Bradypodidae. Common Name. Three-toed Sloths. Kingdom. Animalia. Location in Taxonomic Tree. Suborder. Folivora. Family. Bradypodidae ...