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Calexit Means American Taxpayers Won't Have To Bail Out California's Ticking Pension Time Bomb

Updated Nov 28, 2016, 10:16am EST
This article is more than 7 years old.

In addition to having unified control of Washington, Republicans will head into 2017 with total control of 25 state governments - holding the state House, Senate, and governor’s mansion - a historic high. Yet, the unexpected GOP wave that swept the country on Election Day stopped and receded at the Sierra Nevada Mountains, with California turning a deeper shade of blue.

Hillary Clinton won California by the largest margin in 80 years, numerous tax-hiking ballot measures were approved by voters, and Democrats captured a supermajority in the state Assembly, and possibly the state Senate as well, depending on the outcome of a few yet-to-be-determined races. Clinton even won the historical Republican stronghold of Orange County, the first time a Democratic presidential candidate has done so since the Great Depression.

California progressives and the state’s ruling political class have responded to the 2016 election results with some combination of shock, dismay, and contempt for what they see as a nation politically and electorally zigging while the Golden State is zagging. Prominent California liberals, including major donors, are so appalled by Donald Trump’s election as president and the fact that he will have a Republican-controlled Congress to work with, that they are calling for California to secede from the union.

The prospect of Calexit (also dubbed Caleavefornia or Califrexit, depending on your druthers), sounds far-fetched. Yet, it appears the effort could have the financial support necessary to put the question to voters on the 2018 ballot.

Hyperloop co-founder and Uber investor Shervin Pishevar announced on election night, via Twitter, that he will help finance a Calexit Leave campaign, tweeting that he will support a “legitimate campaign for California to become its own nation.”

The morning after the election, Pishevar issued a call to action, tweeting: "If you support an independent New California please RT. #newcalifornia"

"It's the most patriotic thing I can do," Pishevar told CNBC. Since Pishevar's announcement, other Silicon Valley investors have come forward and said they would open their checkbooks to support the campaign.

California Assemblyman Evan Low (D), prior to the election, stated he would explore how to get the independence process moving should Donald Trump be elected the 45th President of the United States.

If Calexit were to find its way to the ballot and be approved by voters, Congress and the other states would have to sign off in order for California to break away from the United States. It would be terrible to see California go. The state’s natural beauty is unparalleled, some of this author’s favorite restaurants are in California, and airfare costs to LAX and SFO will likely spike if they become international bookings. Selfish reasons aside, California is far too important to the U.S. economy to be dismissed. Though if Californians really want to break away, here are a few great reasons for the other 49 states to let them go:

California Plans To Have American Taxpayers Bail Out Its Unfunded Pension Liability

California officially has an unfunded pension liability of approximately $300 billion. Yet this is not a true reflection of the amount taxpayers are ultimately on the hook for, as it assumes unrealistic rates of return on pension investments. When accounting for more realistic rates of return, California’s unfunded pension liability is closer to $1 trillion. The national debt is approximately five times the size of the federal budget. California’s unfunded pension liability is nearly ten times the size of the state general fund. That’s just the unfunded pension liability; the state also has significant unfunded liabilities for retired government worker health benefits.

As precarious as the current situation is, due to the political makeup of California state government, it’s hard to see how anything gets done not only to fix the problem, but prevent it from metastasizing further. Democrats own all of California state government and their power structure is dependent upon public employee union cash and GOTV manpower. As a result, there is zero chance that the reforms necessary to rectify the state’s massive unfunded pension liability – such as moving government employees to defined contribution pension plans, and giving workers the freedom to choose whether to join and fund union political activities – has no chance of passing this legislature.

Gov. Brown and fellow California Democrats would scoff at allegations that they are going to eventually come to Washington hat-in-hand looking to be bailed out of their unsustainable pension costs. However, that is the only logical outcome based on the state’s current trajectory and course of action.

It would be unfortunate to need a passport to visit Disneyland, Pebble Beach, the San Diego Zoo, and Alcatraz, but Calexit would ensure that taxpayers in the remaining 49 states will not be forced to bail out decades of California profligacy.

No More Federal Money For California’s High-Speed Choo Choo To Nowhere

California’s high-speed rail project has become a comedy of errors that will certainly be a major part of Gov. Brown’s legacy, though not in the positive way that he envisioned. Projected to cost $30 billion when it was first approved by voters in 2006, it’s now optimistically estimated that a train connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco will ultimately cost in excess of $60 billion.

The project is currently underfunded by more than $40 billion. With revenues from cap and trade auctions, which are supposed to help fund rail construction, crumbling (the August carbon credit auction brought in only $8.4 million out of a hoped-for $620 million), Gov. Brown and California lawmakers are scrambling to find a funding source. It’s clear that the state will need to significantly raise taxes or get a federal bailout in order to come up with the necessary funds to complete the project.

It's already known that Congress has no interest in supporting California's high-speed rail charade. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has proposed redirecting high-speed rail funds toward drought preparation and relief. Even the potential next governor of California, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has said the state has “more pressing infrastructure needs” than the high-speed rail line. Donald Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton ensures that taxpayers nationwide will not see their money go to bailing out California’s train boondoggle.

Greens do not need to despair. Tom Steyer, Gov. Brown, and company can continue to use California as a proving ground to show the rest of the country how their heavy-handed policies work (or don’t work). During the Trump administration, there will be nothing stopping California from going it alone on onerous regulations pushed by green groups that do nothing to improve the environment, but do impose significant costs on employers, thereby greatly reducing their job-creating capacity.

The good news for the rest of the country is Trump’s victory means that Gov. Brown, Democrats in the California legislature, and the green lobby that funnels cash to them can no longer count on the continued promulgation of federal regulations, such as President Obama’s now doomed Clean Power Plan, to drag other states’ economies down with them.

Medicaid Expansion Not Working Out So Well

Gov. Brown and other California elected officials boast that they have implemented Obamacare more aggressively than any other state. What they don’t mention is it hasn’t worked out so well. In addition to the soaring premiums chipping away at household income, California is finding that Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion is costlier than initially advertised, and that will mean less revenue for other state priorities.

A new report by the Foundation for Government Accountability found the enrollment boost from Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion has greatly exceeded initial estimates, with the number of able-bodied, childless adults who signed up for Medicaid under the Obamacare expansion coming in at 110% of initial projections.

California has seen three times as many new Medicaid enrollees than was anticipated. UC Berkeley originally projected 910,000 new enrollees would sign up for Medicaid through the program’s expansion under Obamacare. As it would happen, more than 3,000,000 new Californians ended up enrolling in Medicaid.

Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion was sold as a free lunch for states, with the federal government picking up 100% of the costs from expansion for the first few years, and 90% of expansion costs in the long run. However, California and other states that expanded Medicaid are going to be on the hook for cost overruns starting in January, when the states become responsible for 5% of expanded Medicaid costs. States will eventually have to pick up 10% of Medicaid expansion costs.

Calexit would mean that California taxpayers are responsible for the remaining 90% of Medicaid expansion costs the federal government is supposed to pick up, as well as the 50% of traditional Medicaid that is currently funded by the feds. Some Californians may want to secede from the U.S. But should they do so, lawmakers in Sacramento would need to significantly raise taxes, cut services, or both in order to fund existing programs.

California May Want to Leave U.S., but the Middle Class is Fleeing California

California is becoming a state where only the very rich and very poor can afford to live. California relies on the top 1% of earners for nearly half – 48% – of total income tax collections. California has the highest income tax rate in the nation and among the highest state tax burdens overall. Very wealthy Californians residing in places like West Hollywood, La Jolla, and San Francisco can survive the large tax bite, but middle and lower income households cannot. Meanwhile, as homelessness drops nationwide, it has increased in California.

Some of the highest taxes and costliest housing in the U.S. has made California a difficult place for middle and working class families to survive and thrive. As a result, many are voting with their feet by uprooting themselves and their families for greener pastures. In the decade from 2000-2010, California experienced domestic net outmigration of over 1.2 million people, who took more than $29 billion in income with them to low-tax, red states like North Carolina, Texas, Florida, and Tennessee.

Some in California may want to leave the U.S., but many Californians have already decided to leave the Golden State for one of the other 49 states. Should California become an independent nation, lawmakers in Sacramento would likely move to impose an exit tax, just like the presidential candidate who carried the state this year proposed for the nation, to stem further population hemorrhaging and brain drain.

Calexit still seems like a far-fetched notion. But after Brexit and Donald Trump’s dismantling of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties, 2016 has taught us that things that appear impossible can become not only possible, but a reality in a fairly short order.

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