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Ontario educational system failing students with intellectual disabilities: report

Students face “daunting” academic and social barriers that can leave them excluded, vulnerable to bullying and set them up for low expectations for the future, said the report, a joint project by experts in disabilities law and education.

2 min read

Dorlean Lieghfars-Rotolo, with daughter Jessica, now 19, who has Down Syndrome, says she and her husband had a constant battle to make sure Jessica received appropriate accommodations in school.

They are often excluded from classrooms, left out of field trips and they don’t get the tools or extra staff they need to help them learn.

Their parents are asked to keep them home from school, pick them up early and must fight hard to get them the supports they are legally entitled to.

Andrea Gordon

Andrea Gordon is a former Toronto Star reporter, where she wrote about topics ranging from business and politics to parenting, health and education.


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