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Arrest made after Crystal Palace players allegedly racially abused against Norwich in Premier League

Norwich also said they were "disappointed to learn" of online racist comments directed at some of their own players, which Norfolk Police are now investigating; "Where identified, the club will support and impose the strongest possible sanctions against perpetrators," Norwich said

Crystal Palace and Norwich City players took a knee prior to their Premier League match
Image: Crystal Palace and Norwich City players took a knee prior to their Premier League match

A 57-year-old man has been arrested in relation to the alleged racist abuse suffered by Crystal Palace players during Tuesday's Premier League match against Norwich.

He was arrested for a racially aggravated public order offence and has been released under investigation.

Norwich identified an individual after the allegations were made and have said an investigation is ongoing following their 3-0 defeat at Selhurst Park.

There were also cases of online racism aimed at the Norwich players after the match, which has been reported to the police.

A Norwich statement read: "Following our game at Crystal Palace, the club were disappointed to learn of both online racist comments directed at some of our players, as well as alleged in-stadia racist comments directed at opposing players by our supporters. Such behaviour is not welcome in following and supporting Norwich City.

"The club will continue to support those players affected, whilst demanding action from social media companies to ensure that users are held accountable for their unacceptable behaviour. The club have also reported the incident to Norfolk Police.

"An individual has also been identified and an investigation is ongoing following the alleged racist comments directed at Crystal Palace's players. No player, whether our player or an opposition player, should be subject to this type of abuse.

Norfolk Police have confirmed they are investigating Norwich's report that one of their players suffered racist abuse on Instagram after the defeat.

"Police have received a report from Norwich City Football Club in relation to racist comments directed towards one of its players on Instagram following the club's match with Crystal Palace yesterday," a statement read.

"This matter is being investigated under the Malicious Communications Act and enquiries continue."

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