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Jagmeet Singh Just Shared The Most Wholesome Video And Canadians Are Emotional

"This is my Canada"
Interim Managing Editor

It’s been a wild few weeks for Canada’s party leaders, with controversy after controversy taking centre stage in the run-up to October’s federal election. If it is not Maxime Bernier calling a 16-year-old climate activist “mentally unstable,” or Andrew Scheer speaking out against same-sex marriage, it's Justin Trudeau dressing up in blackface. That said, there is one party leader who is managing to make the most out of all of these controversies, and is picking up plenty of Canadian voters on the way!

Things have been going pretty well for NDP leader Jagmeet Singh since the federal election campaigning officially began last week. He was widely praised by Canadians for his contribution to the first leaders’ debate and has recently been applauded for his thoughtful and heartfelt response to the publication of Justin Trudeau’s blackface and brownface photos.

Now Jagmeet Singh is winning over Canadian hearts and minds once again after he shared a totally wholesome video to his Twitter account on late on Friday evening. The video shows Singh at one of his recent NDP rallies in Windsor, talking about the impact of Trudeau’s blackface and brownface images.

In the short clip, Singh goes on to have an emotional encounter with one of his supporters, who tearfully thanks the party leader for, “validating my experience.”

Singh shared the video on Twitter, adding the simple caption, “I saw something in the crowd tonight in Windsor...This is what we're all about.” The post was met with an emotional response from several Canadians, who replied to say it had made them cry!

One Twitter user responded to Singh with a meme that said, “I’m not crying, you’re crying!”

Another Canadian added, “I teared up watching this. Respect!”

In fact, many Canadians responded to the post to let Jagmeet Singh know how it made them feel. One Twitter user tweeted to say, “This is my Canada, Happy happy with Singh!"

Another simply said, “That's some wholesome shit.”

Following the video, compliments for Singh as a person, and praise for his campaign so far, just kept coming in thick and fast!

One Twitter user explained, “I'm a Conservative...slightly right of center...but full marks to Jagmeet...he is kicking some serious ass.”

Another added, “You're one of the finest men in politics right now, we're lucky to have a public servant like you.”

As October's federal election draws nearer, it remains to be seen who will take the top spot.

That said, if Singh continues to pull voters away from both Trudeau and Scheer, it will be a very interesting election indeed!

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