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McGill University Girls Want "Sugar Daddies" More Than Anyone In Montreal

McGill University ranked #2 fastest growing school for sugar babies in Canada.
McGill University Girls Want "Sugar Daddies" More Than Anyone In Montreal

Photo cred - Storify

Living the life of a sugar baby, which is what you call someone who is in an intimate relationship with a sugar daddy/an older gent who pays for all of their expenses, is truly a dream life anyone would want to live. No wonder, then, that female graduates from McGill University are flocking to to find them a rich silver fox of a sugar daddy.

A dating website all about on pairing up sugar babies with sugar daddies (8 sugar babies per daddy, apparently...and creepily), recently released a list of Canadian universities and ranked them according to which schools had the most newly registered sugar babies on the site.

In all of Canada, McGill University took the #2 spot for new sugar babies 2014, as reported by Global Montreal, so don't think we're the only folks crude enough to consider this "news."

According to Seeking Arrangement's stats, 417 McGill University students have already signed up to the site, with 161 signing up this year, making McGill the educational institution with the most newly registered sugar babies in Montreal.

The reason so many McGill girls are flocking to a sugar baby-sugar daddy dating service is simple: they need a man who can take care of their university tuition and loans. As an ex-McGill student, I get the financial struggle, so no judgment here McGill gals.

Only one other university beat out McGill to get the top spot as Canada's #1 sugar baby school, which was the University of Toronto. Finally, a ranking we can let Toronto win and not feel very bad about.

Below is the full ranking of Canadian universities, but before anything, you really need to head to the Seeking Arrangements blog, which has content-gems like "How To Impress Your Sugar Daddy’s Family" "Sugar Lingo Translated" and "5 Lessons From My First Year of Sugar." The internet is strange and beautiful place.

1. University of Toronto

2. McGill University 

3. University of Saskatchewan

4. University of British Columbia

5. MacEwan University

6. Ryerson University

7. Université du Québec à Montréal

8. University of Guelph

9. University of Western Ontario

10. Carleton University

11. University of Victoria

12. York University

13. Simon Fraser University

14. University of Windsor

15. University of Calgary

16. University of Waterloo

17. Laval University

18. Dalhousie University

19. University of Alberta

20. University of Ottawa

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