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Photos Showing Jagmeet Singh's Impressive Transition From Awkward Teen To Gorgeous Political Leader

The definition of a beautiful evolution.
Photos Showing Jagmeet Singh's Impressive Transition From Awkward Teen To Gorgeous Political Leader

If you remember last week, we shared a photo of Jagmeet Singh posing without his turban on and it was truly a stunning sight. He really is a beautiful man, and that photo just goes to show he brings it, turban or not.

Well, we recently took a stroll down Jagmeet's memory lane and honestly - this glow up is a national treasure. 

Urban Dictionary defines a "glow up" as an "amazing transformation," and folks, that is exactly what we have on our hands here.

From his early beginnings in Scarborough, Ontario, to his current position as the leader of Canada's NDP, Jagmeet has come a long way from his film camera mirror selfies.

READ ALSO: Jagmeet Singh Poses For Photo Without Turban And His Hair Is Truly Majestic

Via the NDP

Okay, so we have to start with Jagmeet's sweet parents, who look like they're on vacay in London here and are clearly the most adorable.

The NDP site explains that Jagmeet's mom has been one of the biggest influences in his life and is also the person who taught him that "if one person is suffering, then we are all suffering."

Via the NDP

Via the NDP

Jagmeet did a lot of moving around as a kid, and like a lot of us, faced his fair share of bullying.

The NDP page explains that this struggle helped shape Jagmeet and fuelled "his passion for justice." 

Via the NDP

Via the NDP

Like many of us, Jagmeet experienced an awkward teenage phase, where his focuses were really more directed towards helping his family's household by working several jobs.

But all that altruism clearly brought his inner beauty out. Because, I mean, look at this glow up:

Via the NDP

Via the NDP

That smile, though!!!! It's literally exactly like that Roald Dahl quote:

"When you think good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely."

This is literally the exact thought I have when looking at the photo of Jagmeet above.

Whether or not you're here for his politics, there's no denying that his glow-up is a truly impressive evolution. 


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