It should go without saying that sending unsolicited pictures of your junk is not cool. But as use of the iPhone’s AirDrop app has increased, so has the disturbing act of AirDropping dick pics.

According to the New York Post, women such as Britta Carlson have been receiving these photos from men on the same subway as them.

Carlson, 28, told the Post that she was on the 6 train heading uptown on July 27 when she saw a message pop up on her phone that someone wanted to share a note with her via the iPhone app. She hit accept without thinking twice, only to be horrified by what she saw.

“It was just a huge close-up picture of a disgusting penis,” Carlson said. “It really felt like someone had actually just flashed me.”

The message was sent by an anonymous stranger, and although Carlson tried to place the sender on the train, she couldn’t.

In order for people to send these photos, iPhone users must have their AirDrop settings on “Everyone,” as opposed to “Contacts Only” or “Receiving Off.” The sender must also be within Bluetooth range of whoever they’re trying to reach, which is about 328 feet.

Carlson said she had her AirDrop settings on “Everyone” because she sent photos to coworkers that way.

“It never even crossed my mind that someone may use it to send stuff like that,” she said.

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Another victim, Frankie Navisch, had just gotten off the subway at Penn Station when she got an AirDropped photo of a man’s penis sent to her phone.

“I wanted to punch him in the mouth for carelessly buckshotting genitalia to phones that could potentially be owned by children,” she told the Post.

There is only one circumstance where it’s okay to send someone this type of photo: when you have consent.

“Send the dick pic during a sexting session or after being explicitly asked for one,” Madeleine Holden, creator of the website Critique My Dick Pic, told Men’s Health in 2014. “At the very least, try not to send it during working hours."

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Additional reporting by Chelsea G. Summers.