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The U.S. Is Trying To Secure Rare Earth Elements For National Security. That Goes Beyond Simple Investment

Updated Feb 27, 2021, 06:44pm EST
This article is more than 3 years old.

By the time President Trump signed Executive Order 13817 (A Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals) in 2017, the U.S. government had long recognized the corner America was in with respect to metals and oxides critical to its defense-industrial base. Now it’s taking urgent action to ensure the supply of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from half a world away and to process them domestically.

REEs like cobalt, lithium, neodymium, vanadium and gallium are critical to numerous defense and commercial applications, including aircraft/UAVs/vehicles, sensors, precision-guided munitions, electric motors, nuclear reactors and more.

Since last November, the market for raw materials for batteries and REEs in general “has gone into overdrive,” says Simon Moores. He’s managing director of Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, a London-based minerals price reporting agency which has offered testimony to the U.S. Senate multiple times, advised the White House and the Pentagon as well as other international government agencies.

America is a dependent where critical minerals are concerned. The Commerce Department says that we import more than 50% of our annual consumption of 31 of the 35 minerals designated as critical by the Department of the Interior. The U.S. has no domestic production of 14 critical minerals, relying completely on imports to meet demand for them.

China has no such dependency. The country commands the majority of the world’s mined REE output and approximately 80% of REE processing/separation. As recently as two weeks ago China was reportedly exploring how much it can impede American defense contractors by limiting REE supplies.

“The Chinese government knows how much this terrifies Washington, D.C.,” Moores says.

With that reality in the background, earlier this month the Pentagon announced a Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III technology investment in the largest rare earth element mining and processing company outside of China, Australia’s Lynas Rare Earths. The Department’s $30 million investment will help fund construction of a light rare earth element (LREE) processing plant in Hondo, Texas.

This kind of direct investment is a rare move for the U.S. government, which since the 19th century has loosely asserted mineral rights on U.S. territory but not actively participated in mining of any type or sought to increase capacity.

The award to Lynas follows three previous DPA Title III awards to REE producers announced in November 2020. In addition to REE supply chain studies and increased neodymium praseodymium (NdPr, a key alloy in magnets for electric motors) production, the awards established another LREE processing plant in Mountain Pass, California.

Mountain Pass is home to MP Materials, the sole miner of rare earths in the U.S. The company went public last year in response to the renewed focus on REEs and the aforementioned DPA awards. MP reached out to Forbes to confirm that its mine is active. In the third quarter of 2020, it produced 10,197 metric tons of rare earth oxide in concentrate. The firm says that on an annualized basis, it produces approximately 38,000 metric tons of oxides, making it the world’s second largest producer after China.

It’s worth remembering that Chinese rare earths miner Leshan Shenghe Rare Earth Co. held a non-voting minority interest in MP in 2017. The company says that stake is now 8% held in common stock and that Shenghe holds no board seats or voting privileges. MP intends to begin processing its LREE output however its plant won’t be ready until 2022.

Given that Lynas has yet to announce when its Texas plant will begin operation, domestic REE processing capability won’t be available soon. The Department of Energy confirms that the U.S. “currently lacks the domestic capability to separate REE concentrates into REOs [oxides] and process them into rare earth metals at a commercial scale.”

According to public sources there is one processing plant - a small pilot plant soon to be operational in Colorado - but it’s more or less an experiment.

For America’s defense establishment, and for the private sector, two critical questions with respect to rare earths have yet to be answered. Can we mine and process enough REEs domestically to meet most of our defense/commercial needs? If that’s unlikely, can we secure overseas REE supplies?

Straining The Market

America’s reliance on imports not only puts China’s REE dominance in perspective, it points to potential vulnerability to cost in a world market seeing a demand surge for rare earths and the advertised (if not proven) environmentally friendly future they portend.

Lithium has made news in the minerals and battery market for years. Based on signals from Washington about the promulgation of battery-electric mobility, it is again in high demand, as are cobalt and NdPr among others. The battery market affects all REEs and the cost of raw materials worldwide.

“As soon as you start seeing the battery market growing in excess of 20% per year for the last four years solely from demand for electric vehicles it doesn’t take much to move the dial to actually start causing stress on these supply chains,” Moores observes.

The stress advantages China which bolstered its REE supply chain, and especially processing capacity, while America and Europe were otherwise engaged.

“What China has done over the last ten years,” Moores explains, “is build that chemical processing capacity and gone round the world buying/owning the mines and making long term agreements to ensure that raw materials flow into the country. Once you control the midstream of the supply chain, you control the supply chain.”

Combined with a tightening market, this makes it increasingly difficult for the U.S. to secure REE sources overseas. The deal with Lynas seeks to address that. The U.S. will receive LREEs (and potentially heavy REEs in future) from the company’s mine at Mount Weld in Western Australia. According to a company spokesperson, the materials will be shipped to America in an unprocessed state until Lynas’ REE processing facility in Kalgoorlie, western Australia is operational.

How much of combined U.S. national security/commercial LREE needs Lynas can supply is unclear. The company, which also has processing/separation facilities in Malaysia, claims it will produce approximately 25% of the world’s separated REE materials.

Lynas says it is “confident” the Texas plant will be “well placed to serve the growing commercial market for Light Rare Earth products, including in the manufacturing of electric vehicles and green technologies made in the U.S.”

The Hondo plant should produce about 5,000 tons a year of rare earth products including 1,250 tons of NdPr, according to Lynas. Unclassified estimates for how much and which REEs the Defense Department needs don’t appear to be available. So there’s no accurate way to assess how much of the plant’s output will be left over for the U.S. commercial market. But the balance will surely have an impact on the cost of domestic REEs.

Down Under, Lynas will certainly have other customers for its output, including China.

Chinese market power is a undeniable factor in REE supply and Moores acknowledges it can, and may, throw its commercial weight around to impact supply.

Building The Middle Market

Lynas’ agreement with the U.S. government is precedent-setting. Could it strike similar deals with other national governments to secure REE supplies, essentially putting all, including the U.S., in competition for its output?

Lynas’ spokesperson said: “As the only significant producer of separated Rare Earths outside of China, Lynas is engaged with governments around the world to sustainably address this supply chain challenge.”

Raw materials are only half the equation, however. Separating REEs from mined output is not only tough but vital to a reliable supply chain, Moores adds.

“Rare earths is the most extreme, most difficult of specialty minerals and chemicals to produce. It’s not just getting to that final product, it’s getting it to a high quality, consistent state.”

Quality and consistency come at a cost. There are now seven REE processing plants planned or in development in the U.S., according to Reuters. Simply launching new plants doesn’t necessarily make them viable, Moores points out. While Lynas is a well-established firm with efficient, scalable, high quality processing, new entrants will likely vary in quality and competitiveness.

“That’s the biggest challenge facing the U.S.,” he says. “People think that because you build a plant at scale it’s automatically commercially viable.”

Concerns about the quality and efficiency of nascent U.S. REE processing may be masked by urgent need in the short term. Access to rare earth products Moores acknowledges is “a matter of national security.” As in all such matters, that generally creates a price premium which raises knock-on questions.

“At what cost does the U.S. government need that domestic capacity and does that change the [broader] market dynamics?” Moores asks.

Cost is among the reasons the Department of Energy (DOE) is looking at alternative mining/processing methods and technologies. One of the lesser-known could flip the script on Washington’s fixation with shuttering coal production.

New Alternative Green Energy (NewAGE) is among a handful of startups looking to use coal to produce hydrogen via electrolysis. While the Texas company’s patented coal electrolytic cell process yields both clean coal and revenue producing hydrogen, a secondary byproduct from coal fly ash yields REEs.

NewAGE founder Michael C. Wilson explains that that once coal is burned, 16% by volume becomes fly ash which contains a mix of rare earths depending on where the coal is mined. According to recent research, REEs are “100 times more prevalent in coal fly ash than anywhere else on earth,” Wilson says. That’s particularly true of coal from Texas’ Powder River Basin.

Wilson has been in discussion with DOE, which is funding research into fly ash REE harvesting thanks to the 2017 Executive Order. Electrochemical processes to separate REEs from the fly ash are not yet economically viable but the government is so desirous of critical minerals that NewAGE and others are being encouraged by DOE to continue research and development.

Whether such alternative approaches to rare earth supply can become commercially viable hinges in part on the success of middle market processing capacity building. If Lynas and others can meet America’s broad REE needs, they may advance more slowly, aligning with efforts to mitigate the negative environmental impact of rare earths processing.

Likewise, the global demand and supply struggle could create a price spiral that turns down the electrification buzz coming out of Washington and the American energy/automotive industries. That struggle is not limited to mining and processing allocation.

As a century of fossil fuels demand has amply demonstrated, ensuring access to REE resources will come with a security cost.

A Long, Long Supply Line

Raw rare earth minerals are transported via the same large commercial bulk-carrier ships that carry other commodities from iron ore to soybeans. The distance by sea that Lynas’ shipments will have to travel from a port like Freemantle, Australia, to Galveston, Texas, for example, ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 nautical miles.

That’s a long supply line subject to delays and obvious security concerns. Among them is China’s navy, now larger than America’s. The strategic-geographic focus of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is generally thought of as the western Pacific and South China Sea. But the country’s historical reliance on the Strait of Malacca - through which much of the region's oil and cargo supplies transit by sea - increasingly commands attention and PLAN assets, bringing them nearer to India and Australia.

Chinese naval presence could at the very least influence the routes via which REE shipments to the U.S. (including potential shipments from Malaysia) are made, increasing shipment time and cost.

The strategic significance of the area was recently highlighted by the U.S. Navy which, in the waning days the of the Trump Administration, announced it will reform its 1st Fleet for the first time in more than four decades. The reformed fleet is intended to dedicate more American ships to waters off Southeast Asia and west to the Indian Ocean, including the Strait of Malacca.

The importance of and methods for safeguarding REE shipments from Mount Weld to Hondo are logical questions for DoD. But instead of answering directly, it referred them to the National Security Council (NSC).

The closest thing to a response the NSC offered was a link to the February 24 White House press conference which revealed a Biden Administration executive order directing an immediate “100-day review” of supply chains for four critical products - computer chips, large-capacity batteries, pharmaceutical ingredients and critical minerals.

NSC Senior Director for International Economics and Competitiveness, Peter Harrell, said during the press conference that the executive order also directs six sector-specific reviews including defense. Mr. Harrell affirmed that tailored recommendations for specific supply chains would be offered and that stockpiling/production capacity increases (previously enumerated in the Trump executive order) would be emphasized.

The sole nod to overseas REE supply security was Harrell’s assertion that the U.S. will work with partners and allies “to make sure that we have, you know, cross-border open flows”.

A follow-up directly to the NSC asking if DoD/the Navy has contingency-planned (or issued active plans) to safeguard/monitor REE shipments from Australia garnered no comment.

Plans or no plans, Americans will have to factor the cost in treasure, and potentially lives, of securing the rare earth supply chain as they have previously done for consumption of commodities like oil. The threats to overseas REE supplies have been manifest before, specifically in 2010 when China blocked shipments of critical minerals to Japan.

“What’s remarkable is the dramatic nature of what happened ten years ago,” Moores recalls, “China blocking exports to Japan and South Korea, politicizing rare earths and causing panic – and nothing changed.”

Moores attributes the lack of U.S. action partly to insufficient demand signals for critical minerals. But the drive to electrification, from wind turbines to electric cars, combined with China’s near hegemony in rare earths has changed that.

Fortunately, some concrete action was taken in 2017 despite muted demand for REEs.

“This deal with Lynas has been in the pipeline for some time,” Moores says. “The U.S. government, the previous Administration deserve credit for doing this when rare earths and lithium prices weren’t spiking, when the headlines weren’t there.”

Benchmark Minerals has advised governments including the U.S. that they should aim for a balance in REE sourcing. Moores suggests having 75% of rare earths processing in-country to gain leverage with the biggest global REE mines “to ensure that supply is coming to your country and not to a neighbor’s.”

The share of domestic mining he recommends should be about 25%. That logic means that America will still be a REE raw materials importer. And making sure we can get critical minerals to our processors goes beyond simple investment.

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