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Love & Sex

How much sex does the average person have? The answer will surprise you

ARE you having more or less sex than the average Brit? Here is everything you've ever wanted to know about the nation's sex habits.

Couple claim Tantric sex is much more powerful than normal orgasm
(Image: GETTY - STOCK )

It is easy to feel abnormal when you listen to your friends brag about all the dates they go on, or how much sex they have.

It can make you feel like everyone is doing it except you. The truth is, not everyone’s sex life is as exciting as 50 Shades of Grey.

But social media can make you feel like everyone is out on Tinder dates, while you are sitting at home sipping a cup of tea.

It is in human nature to wonder how much sex everyone else is having.

So, how much sex really is “normal”? Here are the facts.

How much sex does the average person have a week?

It turns out that the amount of sex we think people are having is drastically overestimated.

A survey conducted by Mintel found that only 3% of 2,000 UK adults have sex every day.