Rich Coleman announces retirement as Cullen Commission gets underway

Frédéric Bastiat was a 19th century free market French economist and writer. He is known for his writings on plunder, legal or otherwise, and one of his most reknowned quotes is:

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”

For some reason that quote seemed to be the perfect opener to the news everyone is talking about, Rich Coleman is retiring.

Now, there are the things I am going to write about him, and there are the things I would like to write about him but won’t, because I would probably end up getting sued…

Cheryl Wiens of Langley though, did a nice thread listing quite a few things Rich is known for, some you might have forgotten. Check it out here:


But is anyone really surprised he’s retiring just as the Cullen commission is underway? I’m actually surprised he didn’t announce it sooner.

The former RCMP officer turned MLA,  has come under scrutiny many times over the years for actions and decisions he made while a minister. In the last couple of years I have written two posts that still rank as the highest viewed ever.

For good reason. They both directly relate to issues that will likely be examined at the Cullen Commission.

In the first one I posted a video of Sean Holman’s 2010 interview with Coleman, discussing how and why the IIGET was disbanded. I dissect it at specific timestamps in the video, pointing out questions and contradictions in Colemans responses. Its a riveting interview, not just for how Holman refuses to back off, but how Coleman responds. The man does not have a poker face, no pun intended.

Watch the video and read the full analysis HERE:  Money and Corruption are Ruining the Land II 

But there is more, and that first video….along with responses Coleman started giving the press nearly 10 years later when Sam Cooper started breaking all the money laundering stories…..prompted me to look again.

That developed into the second most popular Coleman post ever on this blog, in which I take apart Colemans claim they did everything they could to crack down on money laundering.

You can watch those videos, and read that blog HERE:  The Coleman Files

I guarantee that taking the time to read those two blogs alone, and making sure you watch Sean Holmans video interviews posted in them, will convince you that Rich Coleman should be subpoenaed by the Cullen Commission.

But it doesn’t end there.

This January  Sam Cooper once again broke an amazing story, and it prompted me to take a chronological look back at how long people had been calling for a corruption inquiry…and why Colemans decisions needed to be scrutinised further.

You can read that post HERE:  Confidential RCMP report Reveals Chilling Details and Puts Even more Focus on Colemans decision to disband the IIGET 

I still feel strongly the province made the wrong decision to limit the scope of the Cullen Commission to money laundering.

The extent of corruption in this province goes far beyond money laundering in casinos, and I doubt – since the commission isn’t deemed to find fault – we may not see the full examination of how government itself allows it to flourish.

Remember,  The Enemy is Corruption, it doesn’t begin or end with a political party, when it is so entrenched.

If you want to follow the Cullen Commission hearings, check out their schedules and all information here

We haven’t seen the last of Rich Coleman yet. I think he is cocky enough to bet that because there is no fault finding attached to the Commission, he might get through unscathed.




9 thoughts on “Rich Coleman announces retirement as Cullen Commission gets underway

  1. On one level I wasn’t surprised, on another I was. Expected he would try to brazen it out. Do wonder what the B.C. Lieberal party had to promise him to announce his some time not so soon or perhaps very soon departure. He wasn’t going to leave until the very last minute because once he is gone, he’s out of the loop and also may not be in a position to “arrange things”. There is always the no small matter of the salary MLAs earn. Personally I’d put my feet up and wait.

    I don’t know how it will all end or even if we will learn anything. So many people knowingly and unknowingly benefited from money laundering some may actually be pissed it has to stop because so will the money. That might impact all sorts of things in this province. Once a province, country, city becomes dependent upon money laundering either knowingly or unknowingly, once it stops there can be a back lash.

    Do hope some one live blogs the inquiry.


  2. Speaking of Mr Mackin,.here’s an interesting column.

    It explains how to convince suspicious voters that the NDP remains very serious about combatting money laundering.

    “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”

    “That is the message from the B.C. Lottery Corporation, after it increased the limit that gamblers can keep in their account from $9,999 to $250,000 — an increase of 2,400%. They can also transfer up to $100,000 per week, also a substantial 900% increase from the previous $9,999 limit.”

    “The government gambling monopoly quietly announced on its website Feb. 5 that it would make changes so that could “compete with unregulated online sites operating in B.C.” The company claimed that more than half of gamblers on the website limit their weekly deposits to $100 or less.”

    “BCLC claims it is trying to lure gamblers away from unregulated, grey market websites by expanding the appeal of the regulated with its built-in safeguards aimed at stopping crime and addiction.”

    “Online gambling is illegal according to the Criminal Code, unless offered by a provincial monopoly like BCLC. But authorities have shied away from prosecuting companies from various jurisdictions that target British Columbians. Single-event wagering remains, in both casinos and online, remains illegal in Canada.”

    “The increases fly in the face of the NDP’s stance while in opposition.”

    “More than a decade ago, the NDP blasted the BC Liberal government for upping the weekly limit from $120 to $9,999, a jump of more than 8,200%. Then-NDP critic Shane Simpson told reporters in August 2009 that it was “unacceptable” and indicative of a government cash-grab that could have negative impacts.”

    Nuff said. Great thinking. A new ballgame.

    Thank heaven and so many dependent bureaucracies, now it is possible to be convinced that the NDP and the BCLC brass take money laundering Very Seriously.

    Unlike more than a decade ago..


    1. You know, government is addicted to gaming revenue as much as they are addicted to liquor revenue. And it’s really sad that the party that once rightfully berated the BC Liberals raise in gaming limits, is now actively trying to recruit big rollers.

      And isnt it possible to launder money this way too?



  3. Laila:
    I note that you mentioned the big Rich was an RCMP Officer turned MLA. However, if you check out Rich’s CV you will find that Coleman served 5 yrs in the RCMP (which is the entry-level contract length of their employment) If they are satisfactory, their tenure will be extended. From what I have read, big Rich’s 5 yr was NOT extended. So,the questions remain: why not? Anyhow, his next source of employment, again, from what I have read, was the prison system as a jail guard and then some time later as someone in real estate or some such venture,, and the the giant leap into politics and money, money, money.

    All this info may not be currently on the internet, but I did read this very early on. I tend to think (rightly or wrongly) that Rich’s experience as an RCMP cum jail guard led him on the path to the Riches he enjoys today. (Pardon the pun!)



    1. Yes it would be interesting to know why he chose not to continue in law enforcement. I havent seen mention of prison guard yet but did know of the real estate management.

      I got a nasty email on this post stating what a nice person Rich is.

      I’m absolutely sure his friends,family and colleagues,an his supporters in the community think he is a nice person.That can be true for most people.

      But that doesnt have a thing to do with his performance as an mla or minister who directed policy at a high level. Two totally different things.


  4. It’s crazy how a handful of complicit and wilfully blind people caused the societal wreckage for so many. I pray that they pay.


    1. Yep.. and I dont think this inquiry will put an end to it. It will just move it into another venue.
      I hope some people are held to account for their actions. This money essentially funded bclc charity gaming grants with blood money. No one likes saying it but it’s TRUE.


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