These Are a Few of My Favorite (Spring) Things

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of fall and winter. But as much as I adore my boots and the chilly weather, I really do love all four seasons…just in their due time, not 80-degree weather in March. (Oh Lord, please don’t ever move me to Texas or Florida…PLEASE!!) And now that it’s almost Easter, I’m ready to embrace Spring. For such a time as this.

There are a few telltale signs I get very excited about that help me welcome Spring. Perhaps you can relate:

1. Sunless tanning lotion (even better if it’s the “firming” kind).

2. Moving boots out of my closet and bringing sandals in.

3. Less laundry time – no one is wearing socks, therefore the turning-socks-rightside-out-and-matching-them chore is virtually nonexistent.

4. Iced coffee – I can now drink it like I always do, but without the strange looks or running commentary from Greg about “who drinks iced coffee in the winter??”

5. Less makeup (thanks to #1)

6. Hearing the kids laughing and playing outside.

7. Two words: Sun. Roof.

8. Hip-hop music – car rides are so much more fun in the spring when the sunroof is open and you’re gettin’ jiggy wit it to old school Will Smith. (Or anything from 80s.)

9. Open clubhouse – I got the best news yesterday: our neighborhood’s clubhouse opens back up this weekend (been closed since December). What does this mean? I can go run on the treadmill and let Paxton play in the kids room! Oh my gosh, the joy.

10. Cornucopia – one of my fave local places to eat is once again open. Hello? Green bean fries with wasabi ranch? Fried green tomato sandwich on ciabatta? I think yes.

What are your favorite things about Spring? What screams “Yay it’s Spring!” to you?

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