Chart: The Average Player Salaries In Soccer Leagues Around The World

A lot of what we talk about when we compare different soccer leagues, from arguing which one's the best to which one's the deepest and even which plays the most attractive style, comes down to how much money is spent on players. In that sense, this Sportsmail chart listing the average salaries of players in 34 leagues around the world is very interesting.

Here's the chart in full:

A couple things: wow, the Premier League is waaay higher up there than everyone else. The depth there is truly unmatched. Also, the Brazilian league is really represented well, showing that it is far and away the best league outside of Europe. A few teams there could probably hold their own in the Champions League. And I'm scanning, scanning ... oh, there's MLS! Right in between the Greek league and the Colombian one. And the league wonders why young players flee to Europe.

[Daily Mail]
