Book Review: Honeydukes (A Scratch & Sniff Adventure)

Do you like candy? Well, I presume that most children and even, adults do!

As I was growing up, the word “candy” was almost taboo. Candy was bad for you…candy rotted your teeth. Naturally, I would crave it even more! Halloween was pretty much the only time that I could sneak more than I share!

As a parent now, I only banned candy till the children were three years old. I understood that people would expose candy to them. I opted to explain to them the dangers of over consumption and would allow them an occasional treat throughout the year. Hence, they knew that they could have some pretty much anytime that was acceptable. They had the choice and control of their “sweet” destiny.

One day, from the school’s book fair, the children decided to buy this interesting book that was inspired by the Harry Potter films, Honeydukes!


If you had read the books or even watched the Harry Potter movies, you would know that Honeydukes was a magical candy shop inside the Harry Potter world. All the candies in the shop had odd and interesting names. Coincidentally, many of the flavours often matched the name of the candy. They ranged from pleasant peppermint to disgusting blood!

In between the pages of this rather thin book, were the descriptions of many of the more popular or famous Honeydukes candies. These candies were mentioned in the different Harry Potter novels. There were captions that explained when these particular sweets were highlighted in the books.

Did I mention that it was a SCRATCH N SNIFF book? Very cool!

Yay or Nay

As a Harry Potter fan myself, this book is definitely a Yay! I am looking forward to searching for each candy in each of the novels that I will be reading…. What fun!

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