Properly caring for the orchid cactus

Susan M. Dollard For the Times Herald-Record
The Epiphyllum orchid cactus is native to Brazil and yields beautiful flowers that typically open in the evening and bloom for a few days. SHUTTERSTOCK PHOTO

Q. How do I care for my orchid cactus? -- Ronnie, South Fallsburg

A. The orchid cactus is a beautiful flowering plant that does not fit the typical idea we associate with cacti. The Epiphyllum orchid cactus is a rain forest dweller, not a desert inhabitant. This cactus is a native to Brazil, where it grows in the sides and forks of trees in the canopies of the rain forests. It yields beautiful flowers that typically open in the evening and bloom for a few days. Growing an Epiphyllum cactus outside of its native habitat is fairly simple but involves special attention to temperature, lighting, and humidity.


Epiphyllum prefer exposure to bright filtered sun. Full sun is ideal during the morning hours, but by noon, full exposure is too intense. When left in full sun exposure for too long, they will experience sunburn. Sunburned plants display new growth that is wilted or yellow. If you bring your plant indoors during the winter, place it in a curtained window or a location that receives adequate light to prevent diminished health. If your plant is outdoors in the summer and you overwinter it inside, be sure you place them in a cool (40-plus degrees F) room with natural light. If lights are turned on after sundown in, it can delay flowering next summer. These plants need this rest period, during our winter months. Watch your cactus for over- or under-exposure to light. Yellowish wilted growth usually means your plant is getting too much light. Weak leggy plants are not getting enough light. New growth should be light to dark green with slightly red edges. This indicates the plant is getting the right amount of light.


Adequate water is essential for successful flowering of the Epiphyllum orchid cactus. Unfortunately, the worst thing you can do is over-water your cactus, according to the Oregon State University Extension. Waterlogged soil may trigger root rot and attracts water-loving fungi that need standing water for germination. Water weekly but allow the top 2 to 3 inches of soil to completely dry out before re-watering; adjust your watering schedule if soil takes longer to dry. The goal is to keep roots moist but not saturated.


Though Epiphyllum plants can handle high temperatures when in a moist, shaded environment, they perform best in temperatures that range from 45 to 70 degrees F, according to the Clemson University Extension. For orchid cacti that have begun flowering, nighttime winter culture needs to adhere to a temperature range of 40 to 50 degrees F for successful bloom. This is why this plant does well outdoors in our climate during the summer and early fall.


Like the culture of the rain forest, humid conditions are essential. This flowering cactus plant thrives in a minimum of 50 percent humidity. Our homes in the winter tend to be very dry. Consider spraying your plants with a mist of water, if humidity dips too low as extremely depleted conditions may contribute to root problems, particularly if soil is not well drained. Additionally, bud drop commonly occurs without adequate levels of humidity.


Well-drained soil rich in organic content is the ideal culture for Ephiphyllum plants. As suggested by the Clemson University Extension, the following is the winning soil formula: one part sand plus one part garden soil plus two parts peat moss. Fertilize the soil with a 10-10-10 balanced fertilizer and avoid those with a nitrogen content that exceeds 10 percent, according to the Oregon State University Extension

Plant pests

These plants suffer very little from plant pests. Fungus gnats may be a problem if the soil is kept too wet. If slugs or snails can get to these plants while you have them outdoors in the summer, they can do a lot of damage.


Usually Epiphyllum must be root bound before they will bloom. This means their roots must fill the container before they will produce blossoms. If plants are in a 4-inch pot, they will flower faster than if grown in an 8-inch pot. True Epiphillums flower at night, hybrids flower during the day. Flowering begins in late April (white and yellows), May (pink and reds), June and July (deep reds and purples). Plants should be re-potted about every seven years. To re-pot, wait about a month after blooming. Do not remove all the soil around the root ball. Just gently shake off excess soil and then repot in fresh soil. Do not water re-potted plant for a week. Then water lightly for a month before returning to regular watering schedule.


You can take plant cuttings or purchase them. If you do start with cuttings, allow cuttings to harden off for about one week before planting. Plant cuttings in a clean dry potting soil mixture. The best potting mix for cuttings is 3 parts commercial potting soil and 1 part small to medium pumice. If pumice is not available, use bark chips or perlite. The soil must hold moisture but drain quickly. Plant cutting upside down for best results. Plant the small growing end 1 to 2 inches deep in the soil. Two of the leaf serrations should be below the soil level. Place the pot in a bright shaded place. Rooted cuttings should not be allowed to dry out. Water lightly at first and then water once a week.

Susan M. Dollard is horticulture community educator, and Master Gardener and Tree Steward Coordinator for Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County.