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Q. I was at an upscale garden center and saw a hanging basket plant that they called an orchid cactus. It had some amazing flowers on it. I would like to get one but I don’t want to spend a lot of money on a plant that’s hard to grow and I’m likely to kill.

A. Despite the being referred to as a cactus, the orchid cactus, Epiphyllum, is a jungle plant, not a desert plant. In their humid jungle environment, they usually grow as epiphytes, with their roots exposed to the air and rain. With our dry Mediterranean climate, it’s not possible to grow them that way here, but they will grow quite well in hanging baskets filled with a rich, fast-draining soil mix. An African violet soil mix, to which you add perlite – three parts potting soil to one part perlite – will provide a rich planting mix that drains very well.

Because their thick fleshy stems retain water well, the plants only need to be watered once or twice a week, depending upon the weather, from spring through fall and very sparingly in winter. An application of low nitrogen fertilizer in early spring and a second one after bloom will satisfy their nutrient requirements.

You can make new plants very easily by taking cuttings during spring and summer. Simply cut a stem into pieces each about five inches long. Be sure to keep track of which end is up. I use a marker pen and draw an arrow right on the stem to indicate which end is up. Let the cut end air-dry for a few days before setting the stem into the damp soil mix. Before long, roots will form and you have new plants.

As long as you can provide a frost-free location with light shade, they will grow outdoors year-round. I’ve had good luck growing them by hanging the baskets from trees and under a translucent white fiberglass shade structure. Because the individual stems can reach several feet long, they will need lots of space as they mature. In spring you will be rewarded with spectacular flowers five to ten inches across in white, yellow, orange, red, pink, orchid and combinations of those colors. A flower lasts only a couple of days, but since each stem produces a number of flowers, you get to enjoy their colorful beauty for many weeks, in return for very little effort on your part.

Q. I have seeds left over after planting my vegetable garden. Will they still be good for next year?

A. All seed deteriorates with time but the condition under which the seed is stored is more critical than the length of time. Seed should be stored in a cool, dry place. An airtight jar kept in the refrigerator is an excellent method of storage. Under these conditions, most seed will remain viable for several years.

Next year, before planting, test your seeds for viability by placing several of them between moist paper towels and store them at room temperature. If fewer than half the seeds of a variety sprout within the normal germinating time for that variety, discard the seeds. Weak seeds produce weak seedlings that are unable to withstand challenges from insects, diseases, and adverse weather conditions.

Ottillia “Toots” Bier has been a UC Cooperative Extension master gardener since 1980. Send comments and questions to

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