Second style wall painting

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a silver object on display in a glass case with an image of a man riding a horse
A Magnificent Roman Silver Mirror Embossed with the Myth of Phrixus and Helle
A Magnificent Roman Silver Mirror Embossed with the Myth of Phrixus and Helle
an old painting on the side of a building with red and yellow doors in it
History of Art: Art of the Roman Empire
Descriptions of the different forms of art in the roman empire
an ancient painting on the wall of a building
The Journal for Ancient Performance
Room of the Masks wall painting
some paintings on the side of a wall in an old building with red and yellow doors
a) Room of the Masks b) c.30-25bce c) pigment on plaster d) House of Aug, Palatine Hill, Rome e) example of 2nd style murals, features sacro-idyllic landscapes and atmospheric perspective (makes you feel like you could walk through the "arches" on the walls and into another garden space)
an ancient painting on the side of a wall in a room with columns and paintings
House of Augustus (Domus Augusti), South wall of the Mask Room, 2nd Pompeian style, Palatine Hill, Rome
House of Augustus (Domus Augusti), South wall of the Mask Room, 2nd Pompeian style, Palatine Hill, Rome | by Following Hadrian
an old painting on the side of a wall in a room with red and yellow columns
When in Rome… visiting the House of Augustus on the Palatine Hill FOLLOWING HADRIAN
House of Augustus (Domus Augusti), South wall of the Mask Room, 2nd Pompeian…
an old room with paintings on the walls
Wk 2. p.73 Second Style, mural paintings, east an south walls of the Room of the Masks (room 5), House of Augustus, Palatine Hill, Rome, ca. 30-25 BCE.
an old wall with paintings on it in a room that is very large and colorful
Wall paintings from the villa of P. Fannius Synistor in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. The villa was buried due to ash from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79CE
a painting on the side of a building with columns and buildings painted in different colors
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Wall painting from the Villa of P. Fannius Synistor at Boscoreale. Metropolitan Museum - Peter Clements - Picasa Web Albums
an old room with many paintings on the walls
Visit the Ruins at Pompeii. #thetravellinggentleman
an old painting on the side of a building with columns and flowers in it,
The Ancient World
fresco roman villa