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This BC Swimming Hole Is Like A Secret Oasis Among The Trees & Is Emerald Green

The definition of a hidden gem!

​Two people standing next to the swimming hole. Right: A swimming hole.

Two people standing next to the swimming hole. Right: A swimming hole.

Staff Writer

Summer is in full swing and it's time to start exploring all those hidden gem swimming spots throughout B.C.

The 30-Foot Pool in Lynn Canyon, North Vancouver, is a stunning swimming hole nestled right in lush forest greenery. It truly looks like a hidden oasis and it would be one of the most refreshing things to do this summer.

You can find the secluded swimming spot on the way to Pipe Bridge in Lynn Canyon — at the end of Lynn Valley Rd.

Although the blue waters might look tropical, the water does stay pretty cold — even in the summer months. If you were planning on jumping right in, prepare to be chilly.

Besides the 30 Foot Pool, there is also a great picnic spot on the rocks that can only be used in the summer months.

It is recommended to try to show up at this oasis swimming spot early in the morning as it might get busier throughout the day — especially since Vancouver is expecting warmer days ahead.

So if you're looking to take a dip in the water you might want to set an early alarm.

It's would be such a fun spot to check out with friends, and the perfect way to cool off on those scorching hot days.

30 Foot Pool

Address: 2H9, Baden Powell Trail., North Vancouver, BC

Why You Need To Go: This hidden gem swimming spot would be the perfect way to cool off on any hot summer day.


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