Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Brown recluse bite?

I have had a spider bite for a few days now. It's now swollen, red, started necrosis. I have severe nausea and vomited black. Is this a normal brown recluse reaction?

Male | 40 years old

2 Answers

Did you see the spider? It is possible a brown recluse bite could do this as could other spider bites, and staphylococcus aureus bacteria or even streptococcal infections can look like what you are describing.

G. Dickinson
Those are potential signs and symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite. Yet the color induration, etc., is not. The cars a helmet cause toxic epidermal neck roll issue and that doesn’t look like that. Essentially, the skin gets eaten away and a hole is left. So that doesn’t look like that. It looks like yourself a good night and you might have a secondary infection from him. I would talk to your provider and then treat it if antibiotics are appropriate, which I would assume they stop it looking like that.

Be well,

Brent Reinheimer, MD