10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations EVER

2. Scott Steiner

Scott Steiner Body

Scott Steiner is another who looked like a completely different human following his transformation. Honestly, check out those comparison snaps from 1994 and 2002 above. His arms are big in the first pic (that's also a sweet mullet), but they're positively freakish on the right.

He was "Freakzilla", in fairness.

One can debate the ins and outs of packing on so much muscle, and how achievable that is without erm...chemical assistance, but no one looks that chiselled without putting in double sessions at the gym on top of everything else. Steiner's 1998 reinvention was a real talking point back in the day for good reason.

Of course, adding so much meat slowed his dynamic ring style down a bit. Steiner could still perform athletic moves, but he wasn't nearly as agile as he had been towards the start of the decade. Good on him for replacing human hair with chainmail too - brave decision.

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Akira Tozawa
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.