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Dolce and Gabbana autumn/winter 2010 ad campaign and Madonna

Hello world,

The new ad campaign for Dolce and Gabbana autumn/winter 2010 collection were released a few days ago and here and the images. Just like the spring/summer collection, it is once again fronted by Madonna themed around an Italian family setting.

The photographs were shot by Steven Klein in Harlem, New York, and Milan in late April and were meant to depict a family setting with Madonna playing the mother figure from walking home with the shopping with a male model playing her son to sitting in the kitchen to having her skirt repaired by a grandmother figure.

Here are the images;

Quite a bit of controversy was caused when the photos were first released due to the amount of photoshop that was used to alter the images and make Madonna look younger. This is not the first time that Madonna has posed for a major designer ad campaign from Louis Vuitton to Versace and Dolce and Gabbana in the past, so she is no newcomer to designers and their liberal use of photoshop to make their images look dewy, soft and young.

So it was quite a shock when untouched images of Madonna during filming of the ad campaign appeared on the internet, showing the music star look less than perfect with veiny arms, sagging skin and wrinkles. Here’s a look at an untouched and retouched image below and see the difference yourself.


Ah the power of photoshop and the illusion of beauty and perfection. What great role models they all are!

Until then,




Eight years in, and still killing this fashion game. Now a mother, wife, professional-by-day and part-time blogger in between, I still love blogging, producing fashion shoots and curating this blog.
My interests lie in producing high editorial-style content, shooting in grand and unique locations, make-up shoots and doing more studio shoots that really push the boundaries.
I'm open to collaborations and ideas, so please message me.

(Achim, Du bist die Ausnahme, also lass den Quatsch)

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