The Ghost Comment – uncensored at last

Most of you have long ago forgotten about the fake ghost photos I put up at Halloween, but they are by far the most heavily viewed items on my blog.*
About a month ago, a comment rolled in about them which I’ve debated for a long time about whether to approve or not, partially because of the reference to “doobie.” Finally, I’ve decided that yes, the comments of AshleyDoo must be shared.
After all, she is what this is all about right? She’s the tween/teen kid we’re writing books for.
So, in the hopes of better understanding her, here is AshleyDoo in her own words:

Your Picz are SOOO scary!!!
Are they real ghosts??
Coz ya know a bit of computer work can make anything look real :S
Anyway….. ;l

Ashley x

On the one hand, one wants to praise AshleyDoo for her skepticism. However, please recall that I was (or at least I thought I was) very clear  that the photos are fake: “But they’re actually photos I photoshopped and had printed using old pictures of the kids as the ghosts!”

But maybe what we love about AshleyDoo is her desire to believe. Yes, she knows about Photoshop and yes she could find out the truth simply by reading the post, but maybe she’d rather leave open the possibility of something wonderful.

So… yes, Ashley, that is a real ghost.

 *(The pictures themseleves may have simply been copied and put somewhere else, but the faithful blogometer ticks away, while poor Dolly Parton and The Dixie Stampede Blues cries itself to sleep every night over its tiny poll numbers.