CRC agree to take all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures to ensure that all children in their jurisdiction have the rights set forth in the Convention. Such rights include life and development; name, nationality, and parental care; health and access to healthcare services; and education.
May 7, 2024
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Dec 2, 2016 · The Convention protects children's rights by setting standards in health care; education; and legal, civil and social services.
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The convention defines a child as any human being under the age of eighteen, unless the age of majority is attained earlier under national legislation.
For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, ...
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May 4, 2021 · Children's rights are enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the most widely ratified treaty in history.
Everyone under the age of 18 has all the rights in the Convention. The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, sex, ...
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Feb 24, 2023 · The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out the basic human rights to which every child is entitled.
The Convention provides for the realization of these rights by setting standards for health, education, legal, civil, and social services for children.
It was the first international treaty to integrate all human rights in reference to children, encouraging them to participate in family, cultural, and social ...
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Nov 29, 2016 · The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a multilateral treaty designed to promote the protection of children worldwide.