We work with leading authors to develop the strongest educational materials in economics, bringing cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global ...
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What is advance microeconomics?
What are the 5 concepts of microeconomics?
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Is microeconomics a high school class?
(83) · 54,00 $US
The most complete and easy to follow presentation of any text. Over fifty new exercises. Essential reading for students at Masters level, those beginning a Ph.D ...
As a high-level course in microeconomics, the purpose of advanced microeconomics teaching is to elucidate the inherent logic existing behind common ...
125,00 $US
This textbook offers an introduction to advanced microeconomic theory that emphasizes the intuition behind mathematical assumptions, providing step-by-step ...
EconS 501, Advanced Microeconomic Theory I Class Slides: Choice Under Uncertainty, Monopoly markets (and Price Discrimination).
This course is for students who want to leverage their mathematical background to learn to think the way an economist thinks, and who want extensive practice ...
Date de publication originale : 1991
Auteurs : Geoffrey A. Jehle et Philip J. Reny
15 juin 2024 · Microeconomic Analysis by Hal Varían. It's old but it's a great self study primer to the next step up.
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It covers the standard areas of microeconomics such as consumer theory, producer theory, economics of uncertainty, general equilibrium and markets. The book ...
Applications of microeconomic theory. Examination and analysis of particular markets and contemporary issues. Specific emphasis on policy analysis for ...
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