... Uwtsd American Mechanics, 7:30 ««, pjn., 668 First avenue south. Ordtr Uwtsd American Mechanics, 7:30 ««, pjn., 668 First avenue south. hall Peter"bur« lod«c No- «* Knights of Pythias, 8 p.m., K, of P. K. oftCPhta<u*I'Urf C°UncU N ...
VAN i no. OOCKSKbOR A'i- LAW. UWTSD ETATB8 UOXJOSISOKZS. mottoes 10 all State ana United SCUM Ooart» ol Sew Xos* *no Sew Jersey. inventor* assisted. Trade JUrta. C- solicited. -«!» «3 avnd. 43, 1GS3 Jsfcarisot Street, Telephone 477 ...
... Uwtsd Artssts Giro. Included in the cast are Lu?e Velcz, -who has since made her aarac as an actress. Cos- tar Toa Sc-yfTettltz, Eve Southern. Nisei de Broiler iad Michael Va\-- itch- F. Richard Jones directed tho. cinema, Thomas' story. i.
... Iwid, prisoners of a gravity of th*ii owo devising. America is a rock»t, pushing upward, and outward into s.pac«> Into bumaobiftwy," Despite. 4i((«r«nc«8 and din- jp^mwts, he aaid, "Tte^a U a huppy, dscent, uwtsd couatry, *
... (Uwtsd States Departmenit or Agriculture. )— Potatoes — Receipts 61, on track 226, total U. B. shipments £70; market about staady, supplies moderate, demand and trading slow; Wlscons.-n round whites, U. S. No 1. -80-.65; unclassified ...
... Uwtsd wl iblkatr mWfa-al proparUes. who w.il UrJBov** Bods' Impsrutl Wine Bit ••wry *sttl«l pwc**. wher* tb«r* 2* always a •jes aafsjliia, aafsjliia, timber from which a puijonoui MM** bitters abcmld k* taken every morn.