In Interact and Engage!, virtual learning experts Kassy LaBorie and Tom Stone of Dale Carnegie Training deliver proven strategies for captivating a live online audience.
Explains effective and efficient study methods for students to improve exam and academic performance, describing the author's "Concise Learning Method" (CLM), and featuring thirteen two-page visual maps of essential skills
"This book will examine how individuals and organizations are using Web 2.0 tools to create informal learning and professional development opportunities"-- Provided by publisher.
Agile for Instructional Designers proposes using Agile methodology to manage training projects and highlights where traditional linear processes have failed the business and the end users.
This book is compiled by Himani Satpalkar under the guidance of Shaurya Sharma and this galaxy of amazing and valuable write ups will surely give you a amazing experience and knowledge about many important things after reading it.
In some OECD countries, one in four 16-29 year-olds is neither employed nor in education or training. The OECD Skills Outlook 2015 shows how improving the employability of youth requires a comprehensive approach. While .
Whether you’re thinking of quitting your job, you feel stalled out at your workplace, or you’re advising someone who has hit a wall, Work the Problem is the book to reach for.