Zend by Perforce is the leading provider of enterprise PHP technologies and solutions, including PHP long-term support, fully supported PHP runtimes, ...
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Laminas Project (formerly Zend Framework or ZF) is an open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 7 and licensed under the New BSD ...
Jan 8, 2020 · A great place to get up-to-speed quickly is the Zend Framework QuickStart. The QuickStart covers some of the most commonly used components of ZF.
Zend is an open source PHP framework. It is pure object-oriented and built around the MVC design pattern. Zend framework contains collection of PHP packages ...
Learn how to create zend-mvc applications, get in-depth guides into components, and discover how to migrate your applications to version 3!
Learn how to create zend-mvc applications, get in-depth guides into components, and discover how to migrate your applications to version 3!
Apigility provides JSON representations that can be parsed and used in any mobile framework; write for the web or native applications simultaneously!
Jul 14, 2023 · Zend Framework isn't just a concept for PHP advocates – this architecture has been used for years as a simple way to develop web projects.
Feb 10, 2020 · Zend Framework, which was formerly led and managed by Rogue Wave Software, is now called the Laminas Project, and is managed by the Linux ...